Twilight Overload

Twilight Overload
The place were you can overload on everthing Twilight.

Sunday, September 27, 2009

This Might Tide You Over!

Here is the movie trailer to tide us over till the movie comes out. Enjoy!!

The Hillywood Show

I have fallen in love with Hannah and Hilly Hindi and their Twilight Parodies. They revamped their website and I encourage everyone to check it out at These girls are very talented. They do all their own make up FX, camera work, editing, producing, & they are great actors. I just found out that John Hansen who owns the Twilight costume collection is allowing them to use the costumes for thier New Moon parody. It is going to be amazing. They are at many conventions this month & be sure to check them out on youtube. Let them know if you comment on the site that you heard of them on twilightoverload.

New Moon Tickets Already SOLD OUT!!!!!!

Twilighters do not freak but it is true. I just bought my ticket almost two months in advance. Yes, a movie ticket!!! Fandango has that is has sold out of 50 showings already. I got online to buy tickets at our local theater and the showings that were sold out weren't even the midnight showings! As with the Twilight premiere my Twihard friends and I are having a party to celebrate the return of the Cullens in all their glory. I feel like I am planning a wedding. I have never been so organized for something in all my life. Never have I planned for something in this far in advance. It is reported that New Moon is already out selling some movies that are actually playing in theaters. This is crazy ya know!!!! I love it If you and your Twifriends are having a premiere party let me know what your doing and share some of your cool ideas. I can't wait to see them.