This is the new poster for the New Moon movie which will come out in 6 months come tomorrow. Filming is taking place as we speak in Vancouver B.C. and also in Italy. I was browsing another website today and the webmaster was commenting on her trip to the real home of the Twilight Movie. It
occurred to me that many people are mistaken as to where the filming of Twilight took place. The book is set in Forks, WA and Port Angeles and of course the La Push reservations. The movie was filmed in Portland OR due to limited
accommodation for cast and crew. The Port Angeles
scenes were filmed in St.
Helens OR. The Vampire Baseball scene was filmed at
Multnohma Falls and those sweeping views from the top of the tree were of the Columbia River Gorge which is were I call home. The Prom
scene was The View Point Inn in Portland OR. and Forks High was in Portland. I hope this clears up any confusion for some people. Forks is the ideal place of the Twilight setting that was in Stephenie Meyers head. She visited Forks after writing the book and talks about how perfect it was and how when she went to the La Push reservation she was waiting for Jacob to jump out of the forest at any moment. But, the movie and what you see there is
definitely the Pacific Northwest, and as a Pacific
North westerner I am so happy that we had a movie filmed here that did it's beauty justice.