Twilight Overload

Twilight Overload
The place were you can overload on everthing Twilight.

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Vanity Fair

Who did Vanity Fair pick to be on their December issue? Who else but our hunky, lovely Robert Pattinson. I haven't actually gotten my hands on this issue yet. It came out yesterday but I am in a po-dunk town right now and so the grocery store told me they won't have it until Friday. You can bet I will be buying a few issues on Friday. You can go to Vanity and check out more pics and see pieces of the interview. He doesn't talk too much about his love life with Kristen Stewart. I did see the interview in Allure with Kristen and it was really good. It gave a good portrait of a young women who is handling her fame well and is a little self conscious about herself even though she may be one of the most sought after celebs of our time. Pick up a copy of Vanity Fair and prepare to drool.